
Sermon delivered on August 30th, 2015

Church Organization Service
By: Pastor Larry Obero

Text: Colossians 1:3-14


I - First, what would the members of Grace & Truth BBC, expect from you, Pastor Greg Hocson?


a. They would expect from you, to be faithful in preaching and teaching, the Holy Word of God, the Bible.

II Timothy 4:1 - 4


1. As Pastor, you must be faithful, in preaching the gospel which is the power of God to salvation, to everyone who believes.

Romans 1:16

The gospel means- good news- that sinners can now receive forgiveness of sins.

I Corinthians 15:1 - 4
Ephesians 2:8 - 9


2. You must preach against sin - sin that dishonorable God, and distracts, and discourages, and defiles believers.

Sin, that divides churches, and divides homes, and sends people to hell, and grieves the Holy Spirit of God.


3. You must also preach of God's love, and grace, and mercy, and forgiveness, and hope, and God's goodness, and holiness, and righteousness.


4. You must preach on heaven, or hell, on separation, on stewardship, on the second coming of Christ, and the judgment seat of Christ, on brotherly kindness, on faithfulness and grace, and loyalty and love.


5. And yes, you must faithfully preach and teach the whole counsel of God's word, the absolute truth, that will build them up in their faith, and strengthen their homes, direct their paths, encourage their walk with God, and challenge them to carry out the gospel, and be faithful to do the great work that God has given to you, as a church to do!

I Timothy 3:14 - 15
II Timothy 3:16 - 17


b. They also expected you, to be faithful in your prayer life, and in your study of God's word.

Yes, pray for your people that God has given you, to under shepherd, pray for souls, pray for laborers to be called to God's vineyard.

Acts 6:1 - 7


c. They expect you to be faithful to your wife

Be a good example to them, of how to love their wife and children.


2. Secondly, they expect you to lead, and direct them, in the way God wants his church to go.

I Peter 5:1 - 4


3. Thirdly, they expect you, to warn them and watch for their souls.

Acts 20:31

Romans 16:17-18


4. Finally, they expect you Pastor Hocson to teach, equip, and encourage them, to do the work of the ministry.

Ephesians 4:11 - 16

Church family, please be gracious in your expectations, and be sure to lift your pastor, and his family up in your prayers.


II - What Pastor Hocson, should expect from each and everyone of you, as members of Grace & Truth BBC.


1. Your faithfulness


a. Faithfulness to attend all the church services and especial services, and every time the doors of this church building is opened, and be sure you are on time.

Hebrews 10:24 - 25

Your presence every time God's house is open for service & special services, brings encouragement to everyone, especially your pastor.

And, when you come to God's house, may you all come with good attitude and joyful spirit, as you worship God.

May you not just prepare yourselves physically, but spiritually as well.


b. Your faithfulness in doing the work of God


He expects from you as members of this church, not only to be faithful in attendance to the church services, but also in helping and serving the Lord in different areas- soul winning, Sunday school, ushering, nursery, music, youth, praying.

He will also expect you to be faithful in returning your tithes & offerings, so that you could carry out the great commission here, & around the world.


c. Your faithfulness to obey God's word


He expect you not just to be hearers, but doers of the word.

James 1:19-22


a. When you have learned about giving- be sure that you will begin to give your tithes & offerings.


b. When you have learned about the importance of prayer, be sure that you will pray.


c. When you have learned about soul winning, be sure that you go soul winning.


d. When you have learned that you supposed to read and meditate on the word of God, the Bible- be sure that you will do it.

Joshua 1:8

Titus 2:11-15


2. Your loyalty


Please be loyal to your pastor.

Hebrews 13:7


3. He expect your support


a. Financially- take care of his needs

Be sure take care of him, and his family, support him financially, once you are able, provide his salary at least, help him with his housing, help him with his transportation & gas, give him allowance to buy books, that will help him in the ministry, allow him and his wife to attend fellowship meetings, and leadership seminars, and pastor's conference.

I Timothy  5:17-18

Remember to honor him by remembering him and his wife, children's' birthday, their wedding anniversary, during Christmas, and their anniversary as pastor here at church.

Send him thank you notes- encourage him with your words and deeds.

Be sure he has a day off, and let him have family vacations, and help them with vacation allowance.


b. Spiritually- pray for him


1. Yes, he needs and expect you to pray for him, and his family

Ephesians 6:18-19

Listen, if the great apostle Paul needed prayer - I know your Pastor Hocson needed your prayers.

By the way, there are 5 points list, for your pastor.


1. Pray for his witness- testimony


2. Pray for his worship- that he would stay close to God


3. Pray for his wife and children


4. Pray for wisdom- God's wisdom


5. Pray for the work of the ministry- preaching, praying, teaching, equipping soul winning.

When he gets tired, may you be as Aaron and Hur was to Moses who held and lifted up his hands, when he got tired, lifting the rod up, as Joshua fought the Amalekites, at Rephidem.

I Thessalonians 5:11-13


III - What God expects from us

1. God expects you to love his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

John 14:21

You see, if you will love God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, you will love your Heavenly Father as well.


2. God expect you to have an attitude of a servant

As our Lord Jesus came to minister, not to be ministered.

God expect you to do the same.

Mark 10:42-45

Remember, that our Lord Jesus Christ washed the disciples' feet, and that was an example of servant leadership.

In fact the Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples, that one of the secret of happiness is, "willingness to serve one another."

John 13:14-16
John 13:17


3. God expect you to live separated lives.

II Corinthians 6:14-18

Yes, God expects you to be holy - for He is Holy

I Peter 1:15-16


4. God expects you to faithfully carry out the great commission- preach the gospel, win souls.

Matthew 28:19-20

God expect you to continue to:


a. Win people to Christ


b. Baptized those who believe


c. To teach and disciple was new believers


d. To worship, love and glorify God


e. To provide fellowship and opportunities of service to the members

I Peter 3:15


5. God expects you to return your tithes and give your offerings, to meet the needs of his church, and to be involved in world mission outreach, through faith promise giving.

Matthew 3:8-12
II Corinthians 8:7-9

Yes, you need to get involved with faith promise giving up.

If God is calling you to go- you go, if not- you give that other could go, and pray for laborers.


6. God expects you to be united, and in love, serving one another.

Psalms 133:1

You all need to remember, that the Devi is your enemy, not each other.


You are a family of God.

Philippians 2:1-4
I Peter 3:8-9


7. God expects you to be grateful and be contented.

I Timothy 1:12
I Timothy. 6:6-10
Ephesians 5:20

Let's not forget to, "count God's many blessings."


a. God help us, not to be like the Laodecean church, in Revelation 3, who taught they were rich, but they were poor in God's sight.

Revelation 3:14-22


b. Or, the Ephesian church, who labored, but have left their first love.

Revelation 2:4


c. Or, the Corinthian church- who have been blessed with gifts, but are carnal.

I Corinthians 3:1-7


d. God expects you to give him all the honor and glory for all the things that are done.

Revelation 4:11


IV - Fourthly, what can you expect from God


1. You can expect him to honor his word

His word is true, it will never change.

It is forever settled in heaven; it will abide forever.

Psalms 119:89
Numbers 23:19
II Samuel 7:27-28
Psalms 12:6-7


2. You expect his faithfulness

Lamentation 3:22-23
Ephesians 33:14-21


3. You can expect him that as you continue to obey his will, he will bless you, and answer your prayers, according to his will.

He promised to supply all your needs

Romans 8:31-32
Philippians 4:19


Remember, only your sin will hinder God, from answering your prayers.

Psalms 66:18


4. You can expect him to give you power- to do the job of sharing the gospel.

Acts 1:8

Yes, there will be battles.

But, remember, the battle is the Lords and we are on the winning side.

Yes, he promised, the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church. Matthew 16:18

By the way, God is the one who will build his church- it is work, you are just his vessel.

Indeed, you can expect God to continue to build his work.

Remember, also your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Just be available, be clean vessels fit for our master's use.

Someone has said: "Expect great things from God endeavor to do great things for God, and for God's glory.

Finally, remember the most important thing in life is the relationship.

When there is a strife or conflict - prefer other than yourself.

Abraham and Lot - let's have no strife, we are brothers.

Genesis 13:8-12

Greatest example is the Lord.

Philippians 2:1-8

Your most important relationship is your relationship with God, and the members of his family.

If you are not saved- why not become part of his family.


Come and let someone show you from the Bible how to be born again in God's family.